Celebrity Inquiries

For all Celebrities or Representatives associated with popular current or former Stage, Screens (large and small), Sports Clients

[A combined minimum total of 500,000 social network ‘likes/followers, etc.’ is desired]

If you feel that your present status and/or social network following can attract a sufficient number of paid guests, or you represent a celebrity that might like to participate with us, we would like very much to discuss the possibility of arranging one of our events.

Please email your professional name or representation status and contact information to Info@Metrappolis.net, and please be advised that if you or your client are currently involved in the comic-con appearance circuit, our events are scheduled during the week, so as not to interfere with any week-end planned appearances you may have with them… and if you or your client aren’t currently involved in anything like that, we may be able to assist you in getting involved.

Gene G.

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