Get The NRA
Nerdz Relationship Advisor

The initials NRA in this website URL title and product have absolutely no connection or association with the National Rifle Association, or any other organization or company with a similar letter designation... and we invite members of the NRA to also take advantage of this website’s test offer... it's also an organization I belonged to when on my high school's ROTC rifle team.

This website has no political leaning: its only mission is to offer a complimentary, multi-choice, relationship advisory guideline for couples to use in discovering any possible conflict areas that might arise in the future so that they can discuss them and/or solicit advice from a trusted friend, family, professional or religious confidant.

There is no charge for the main complimentary portion of this Relationship Advisory guide, no full names or other information is requested, and all completed information is deleted from our computers shortly after both participants submit their answer selections and have automatically received their free computerized results – unseen by any humans except the two participating parties.

All selected answers are known only by the persons submitting them, and not available to the other party in the relationship.

The Test should be finished soon, so to save you the trouble of checking back frequently, use our KEEP ME UPDATED form to be informed when it's ready for you and your relationship partner to use. All we request is your first name and email address, and rest assured that we never release email addresses to anyone: we're the only ones that will contact you - with updates on the test availability, test results, more detailed info on your test results, and relationships issues.

Thank you for visiting this website, and we hope that using the NRA helps lead to the two of you having a long and happy relationship, and you should feel free to let us know what you think about any affects the test may have had on the advance of your relationship. To all the people visiting this website after reading one of the many Comments I post each day online where I mention it, thanks for stopping by and please CLICK HERE to find out that I can write things longer than two paragraphs.

Keep Me Updated


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